Understanding what drives and motivates those seeking weight loss treatment is crucial for pharmaceutical companies who market pharmacological weight loss products. Uncovering these psychological nuances can help pharmaceutical companies tailor their weight loss medication marketing and communication strategies most effectively. This blog post summarizes (1) an approach for uncovering of the psychology of Ozempic users, (2) the differences in the psychology of Ozempic users who rate the drug favorably versus those who rate it unfavorably, and (3) the implications for pharmaceutical marketers who are targeting those seeking pharmacological weight loss treatment.
Understanding The Psychology of Ozempic Users:
To better understand the psychology of Ozempic users, we analyzed user-written reviews and numerical ratings of Ozempic that were posted on Drugs.com. To help reveal differences in the drives and motivations of Ozempic users who rated the drug favorably and those who rated it unfavorably, we first aggregated all written reviews based on their numerical rating (on a scale of 1 – not effective to 10 – most effective). More specifically, written reviews by users who gave unfavorable ratings to the drug (i.e., 1-3) and users who gave favorable ratings to the drug (i.e., 8-10) were aggregated for text analysis, separately.
For a baseline level of comparison, we collected the same data for Saxenda users. We selected Saxenda for comparison with the rationale that, although Saxenda’s (liraglutide) and Ozempic’s (semaglutide) active ingredients differ, the two drugs are similar in that they are both injectable medications (GLP-1 agonists) that are commonly used for weight loss or weight management.
After aggregating the data, we used Receptiviti’s analysis and visualization UI to measure users’ drives and motivations, such as their need for affiliation, achievement, risk-seeking, risk-aversion, empowerment, and reward. Follow this link to learn more about each of the measures used in the analysis.
Perceived Risks and Preferences of Ozempic and Saxenda Users
While users who rated either Ozempic or Saxenda favorably did not differ much in terms of their motivations or drives, we did find marked differences among those who rated the drugs unfavorably. Those who rated Ozempic unfavorably appeared less risk-averse and more risk-seeking than those who rated Saxenda unfavorably. Such findings may suggest that users who disliked Ozempic perceived the risk associated with its use (e.g., side effects, drug effectiveness) as lower than users who disliked Saxenda. The differences in risk-seeking and risk-aversion between those who rated Ozempic and Saxenda unfavorably may be partly accounted for by differences in the ways that certain risks associated with the two drugs are advertised.
Low raters of Ozempic also appeared more reward-driven and less achievement-driven than low raters of Saxenda. These results may reflect how, for those who disliked the drug, Saxenda may be viewed as a way to help achieve one’s goal of weight loss (or managing conditions, like Type 2 Diabetes and cardiovascular risk). On the other hand, Ozempic may be perceived more as a way to help one reap the reward of weight loss (or successful treatment of other health conditions). That is, if Saxenda users feel that the drug didn’t help them achieve their goals effectively or if Ozempic users didn’t feel that the drug led them to their anticipated reward, they may be more inclined to rate the drug unfavorably.
Ozempic Users Appear More Empowered Than Saxenda Users
Regardless of whether users rated the drug favorably or unfavorably, overall, Ozempic users appeared more empowered than Saxenda users. These results suggest that Ozempic users may be more concerned with establishing a sense of control over their health. For example, Ozempic users scoring high in empowerment expressed in their reviews that “so far [my] appetite is controlled” or “my diabetes is under control and I am losing weight.” In other words, one’s decision to use Ozempic may be driven by their inherent need to take control of and manage their weight and health.
In contrast with Ozempic users, our findings suggest that Saxenda users are likely more motivated by affiliation or interpersonal connections and relationships. For instance, Saxenda users often discussed other peoples’ experiences with the drug, their doctor or primary care physician’s input, and even their friends’ and family members’ reactions (e.g., “2 weeks in and my family could tell the difference [regarding weight loss]”). These results may reflect that users who gravitate toward Saxenda value other people’s perspectives and opinions while navigating their journey to better health.
Receptiviti And Your Pharmaceutical Marketing Strategy
Understanding the nuanced psychology of users can provide insights that pharmaceutical marketers can use to strategically target those pursuing weight loss treatments. For example, by recognizing that Ozempic users are more empowered, marketers can tailor messaging to emphasize the drug’s ability to offer them a sense of control over their health. The finding that users who disliked Ozempic were more risk-seeking and reward-driven suggests that marketers may want to address concerns about perceived risks and focus on highlighting the rewards that come as a result of using the drug. These insights underscore the value that psychological analysis can provide to marketing communications strategies for tailoring engagement to the needs of specific target audiences.
If you’re interested in using Receptiviti to improve your audience understanding and gain insights into the motivations of users and consumers, contact us to learn about Receptiviti for pharmaceutical marketing.